Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gringa- In the Clutches of a Drug Lord (How's that for a title, eh?)

Ever find yourself perusing the Kindle Store in the middle of the night?

I found myself doing this very thing last night and what I stumbled on was more than I could have ever imagined! This review is for the entire 4 part series but right now, Amazon is offering it as a free title, click here to get your copy.

Now, if the title doesn't throw you off, the cover surely will. Wasn't sure what to expect but I really didn't count on what was thrown at me at 1 am. The first page of the first book pretty much piqued my interest.

With a start like that, I had to keep going. So many different thoughts gathered in my head. Is this chick dead? Am I reading some crazy this is my life and it sucked huge balls type of story? Is she going to be this guy and we'd have to figure out what the fark was going on?

(That's Bruce Willis from the Sixth Sense in case you were somehow completely oblivious to this creepy as all get out movie!!!)

So, I keep reading and reading and reading. "Gringa," our heroine, is kind of a trip. She's quirky, a little sassy and just a whole lot of insane! By insane, I mean, mouthing off to a huge ass beast who keeps trying to kill you. But she's funny and not the least bit annoying, though at some points as the story progresses- she makes some questionable calls which irk me a little. But until I'm thrown into a situation where I have to put up with an angry, horny drug lord and his loco family, I may have to withhold judgment. Gringa or Payton finds herself in an odd predicament and how she finds herself in said predicament is one part scary, two parts baffling and four parts H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!! 

Payton ends up in a visually appealing compound with her attacker named Diablo. Everyone is afraid of this guy, his men, the townspeople. EVERYONE. His name is Diablo for crying out loud, not exactly a name that gives you the warm and fuzzies. Gringa has to navigate through this complex world where she suffers through some humiliation and atrocities. Her emotions often take her from defiant to hopelessness to rabid fury and it's fascinating to read through the different changes and how and why she feels the way she does.

In Diablo's world, we meet a slew of interesting and memorable characters. She is assigned two helpers/maids/assistants who make their entrance by speaking muddled and amusing english. They bicker and mock each other and eat Payton's food, even though they're supposed to be taking care of her and making her comfortable (Diablo's orders).

We meet a brother, Troy, who I instantly took a liking to. He becomes a safety net for Gringa and a loyal ally to Diablo. There's Tongue who likes to eagerly point out exactly why he got his name. He's a big ol' perv and seems to stray on the unredeemable side of the line. Christa, Diablo's psycho hose beast of a mother; Santana, his sister/girlfriend/wife? And unfortunately there's also  Payton's family- her spineless father, a wicked stepmother, a shrew of a stepsister and a selfish ex-boyfriend/brother-in-law. Yup, Payton's got a seriously whacked out circle of peeps. Add into the mix a pair of FBI agents who you want to kiss one second and kill the next and you've got yourself one giant mix of cray cray.

I loved every second I spent reading this series. I went from book one to book four in one single night. I couldn't help myself. The relationship between Payton and Diablo/Diago takes a lot of rocky turns. It's most definitely not love at first sight but it was quite enjoyable to read about. Diablo's character does have some depth and we discover exactly why he is the way he is. You can't help but feel a little for him, despite what his past sins are. And believe me, his sins are heinous and unforgivable. But I forgave him. Mostly because he displayed some vulnerable sides of himself and at some point in the story he became a lovable and cuddly gun wielding teddy bear.

It was a strange mix of intrigue, suspense, drama and a crap load of laughs. This series is definitely not for the faint of heart and if you have a strict code of morality- I would totally skip this cause you might just choke on your own vomit. If you're like me and enjoy a little moral ambiguity then buy the series right away.
Eve Rabi has been added to my authors to watch and will be adding her books to my TBR List.

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