Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bound Beneath His Pain by Stacey Kennedy

Stacey Kennedy has yet to give me anything I could put down for more than five minutes. Bound Beneath His Pain was no exception. I'm glad I set aside an afternoon to make sure I had uninterrupted time.
So happy with this new series, whose characters were introduced at the end of the Club Sin series. Loved Micah and Allie and can't wait to see what else is to come.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Perfect Rage by Nashoda Rose

How is it even possible that Connor has managed to unseat Deck as my favorite, sexy-as-hell badass? But it actually happened; he managed to sneak his way in there on the third and final book of Nashoda Rose's Unyielding Series.


We've known about Connor since the Tear Asunder Series. From Georgie to Deck and Emily to Kai; his alleged death caused quite a deal of heartbreak and led to some painfully traumatic experiences. In Perfect Rage, we finally get to see exactly what happened on the fateful mission where Connor was mistakenly pronounced KIA and the excruciating reasoning behind his disappearance. Combine his captivity with Alina's life and Perfect Rage has arguably the most gut-wrenching tale of lost love I've read in a while.

A big reason this book is so difficult to stomach is Connor's life and personality before he was taken. He was carefree and loving. He was quick to laugh and made a habit of caring for the young, unprivileged children of war-torn countries. Connor was the beating heart of everyone around him and when he was so cruelly ripped from their lives, those who loved him suffered a gaping wound that refused to heal; doubly-so for our heroine, Alina.

The difference in Connor from before his disappearance to his reemergence is startling. It was hard to read through and I caught myself with tears rolling down my cheek as I lived every moment through Alina's eyes. Hope to be imagined, only to be dashed time and time again. Connor tried his very best but the road back to his life was an impossible task and his spirit diminished little by little whenever he suffered a setback.

But all this adversity is what made Connor my favorite in both the TA Series and Unyielding. His fight to win back his life and the intense way he loved Alina made me swoon in delight. Our beautiful and soul-battered heroine was exactly the type of woman who deserved our tragic hero. Her loyalty to the man she declared as her one and only warmed my heart. Alina never gave up and right when I thought she would, she surprised us all by coming through with even more gusto and fire.

Loved Connor. Loved Alina. Loved Perfect Rage. And I do so very much, love Nashoda Rose. Thanks for such amazing and beautiful stories of love, loyalty and survival.

Nashoda, I have to ask, will we ever get a chance to know what the hell happened to Vic and can you please send someone lovely Matt's way?

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.