Sunday, June 8, 2014

REVIEW- Three Nights with a Rock Star

by Amber Lin & Shari Slade
This review contains minor spoilers. Please be advised.

I'm still a little cross-eyed from reading Three Nights with a Rock Star. I gave it four stars and it was well-earned; steamy, sexy, had all the good "s" words in there. I didn't know what I was expecting but I loved what I got.

We have a sweet and responsible nursery school teacher and a recovering alcoholic rock god who come together after striking a deal: for 3 nights, Hailey drops the goody act and does everything and anything Lock wants of her and as a trade, she gets unlimited access to figure out a troubling family issue. What could go wrong?

To this reviewer's delight...everything! The chemistry between Lock and Hailey was almost instant- I felt a definite sizzle from the first moment they laid eyes on each other. Hailey was an absolute delight, the girl had some funny as hell inner-monologue at the beginning and it was painfully obvious how sheltered she had allowed herself to be. A character which is written with such an innocent personality can often backfire in a story- I know I've read my fair share of them. Innocent one moment then in a blink of an eye, she's a wanton sexpot who can't get enough. Hailey was not portrayed this way at all. She was funny, sweet, and admittedly had hidden some very naughty desires. Anna the Naughty Nun and Hailey Miller got a lot in common. Once she signed the contract Lock uses as standard operating procedure, the girl went off or got off- repeatedly. I enjoyed her character and was a major part of the reason I had so much fun reading this book.

Lock wasn't an overly angst-ridden character who was indecisive and wistful. He was a take-charge and take what-I-want type of man and it was HOT! I can't stand books that have so much back and forth with emotions that it takes almost the entirey for anything worthwhile to develop. It takes away from the story and makes it seem as if there is nothing of essence to write and therefore the same beat is written over and over again. This is certainly not the case with Three Nights- no annoying filler of the same conversation being repeated between two equally annoying characters here- just a lot of witty banter and scintillating "conversation" ;)

Shari Slade and Amber Lin have created a dynamic escape from the boring and tame with the new Half-Life Series. The characters were fun and enjoyable to read. I'm curious and hopeful to get more of Krist, Chloe, Pastor Tim...that's right, Pastor Tim. I never thought I'd write those words in a review for a book with so much sinful fornication. The horror. But seriously, guy seems sexy as hell and I want more. Four stars for two amazing authors who are about to get added to the all important "one-click" list. Keep 'em coming got one needy nun over here!

An ARC was kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

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