It's been weeks since I finished This Broken Beautiful Thing but I needed the time to come to terms with all my eyes had just finished consuming...seriously, I read the whole thing all the way through and smacked my husband out of a deep slumber to yell at him about what he absolutely had no idea!? My thoughts were all over the place, I hated everyone, I loved everyone, I AM SO CONFUSED!

But after stepping away and thinking back to the events of the book, I did come to a few conclusions.
1) (view spoiler)
2) How on all that is holy and good in this world can so many people villanize Caleb after making one mistake with Harley but idolize Jace/Raven? (view spoiler)
I mean, it's like the difference between this

and this

I'm a huge fan of the bad boy with major MAJOR issues but c'mon people!
I have definitely figured out which side I've come on but it wasn't an easy road.
And bravo to Sophie Summers for writing a book that creates such a slew of controversial and complex thoughts that it caused me to sit back and contemplate for weeks. I, of course didn't just sit there, I had to go to work and feed my kids. But in between, there was definitely a lot of contemplating.
As odd as I thought Harley's thought process was at times, I did enjoy her character and found it quite believable how she weaved her way through some of her decisions. I found her thoroughly likeable. She was surrounded with some awesome friends as well.
I can't wait for the next installment, I just wish it was here already.
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